Zebra med prikker

IMG_6939Siden jeg har syklet mye, har jeg da også blitt mer nysgjerrig og fasinert av sykkelsporten i sin helhet. Dermed har det blitt litt bøker om slikt også:)

100 år med Tour de France

Dette er den offisielle jubileumsboken for Tour de France – Frankrike rundt. Verdens lengste og hardeste etapperitt på sykkel er gjennomført hvert år siden 1903, med unntak av krigsårene 1915-18 og 1940-46, og er en av verdens største idrettsbegivenheter. Opptil 10 millioner tilskuere står i juli langs ruten og heier landeveisrytterne frem over Alpene og Pyreneene, innom nabolandene og frem til målgang opp Champs-Elysées i Paris. Denne boken forteller historiene og fører statistikkene over berømte lag, høye fjell og slagene om de gjeve trøyene. Alt er levende dokumentert med fantastiske fotografier. Den norske utgaven har et eget kapittel om de norske Tour de France-rytterne.
Det er rett og slett en fantastisk idrettshistorie:)

Det er også blitt lest flere bøker av Johan Kaggestad, Dag Otto Lauritzen, og flere som omhandler sykling og sporten i seg selv. Spennende lesing.

Thime- X

En seriemorder som kaller seg X dreper over hele landet. Han legger ut avkuttede fingre og gåtefulle meldinger på åstedene. Ofrene har tilsynelatende ingenting med hverandre å gjøre. X har utpekt Kripos-etterforskeren Njaal Natland som sin motstander. Forfatteren debuterer med denne kriminalromanen, som er den første i en planlagt serie.
En veldig god krim, gleder meg til forsettelsen:)

Thorarinn- Bestemor Hulds bibliotek

Albertína er ny i klassen, og Óli bastard og de andre slemmingene går straks inn for å knekke henne. Men Albertína får hjelp av Valle virus og bestemor Huld, som egentlig er hennes tippoldemor og er 158 år gammel. Dessuten har hun magiske evner og en million bøker i hyllene sine. Men alle vet at bøker og lesing er strengt forbudt. Så kommer grusomme Grímsson fra Gullbanken for å kreve inn husleien. Fortelling for mellomtrinnet. . – God, leselig skrift

En utrolig fornøyelig barnebok- bør leses:)

Barrereu- Kjærlighet på menyen

Aurelié har overtatt farens restaurant, og er helt sikker på at tilfeldigheter ikke finnes. En trist dag i november oppdager hun en roman med tittelen Kjærlighet på menyen i en bokhandel. Hun begynner å bla i boken, og oppdager en setning som både beskriver restauranten hennes og seg selv. Hun begynner å lete etter forfatteren av boken, overbevist om at han har reddet livet hennes. Det skal vise seg å bli vanskelig å få kontakt med forfatteren, men en dag dumper en beskjed ned i postkassen hennes
En søt søt bok, hverken mer eller mindre:)

Ellers holder jeg på med ISFOLKET for tredje gang, og jeg merker vel at kynismen og skepsisen ligger litt lengere fremme denne gangen, men fornøyelig lesing. I samme slengen tar jeg også med bøkene av Masterson om Morgan Kane sin sønn- Paco, også herlig lettvint lesing.

Brian Hare- The genious of dogs
Brian Hare, dog researcher, evolutionary anthropologist, and founder of the Duke Canine Cognition Center, and Vanessa Woods offer revolutionary new insights into dog intelligence and the interior lives of our smartest pets. Many of you have met or heard Brian speak at APDT, now read his first book devoted to dog behavior which is sure to be a top seller among trainers and dog enthusiasts alike!

In the past decade, we have learned more about how dogs think than in the last century. Breakthroughs in cognitive science, pioneered by Brian Hare have proven dogs have a kind of genius for getting along with people that is unique in the animal kingdom.

Brian Hare’s stunning discovery is that when dogs domesticated themselves as early as 40,000 years ago they became far more like human infants than their wolf ancestors. Domestication gave dogs a whole new kind of social intelligence. This finding will change the way we think about dogs and dog training—indeed, the revolution has already begun.

Har så vidt begynt på den,og har ingen mening ennå. Men er godt skrevet.

Do as I do- DVD
Social learning means acquiring new behaviors from the observation of others. Recent studies revealed the social cognitive abilities of dogs and suggested that they are surprisingly predisposed to learn socially from humans.

Do as I Do is a new training method based on dogs’ social cognitive skills, particularly on their imitative ability. With this training technique dogs will learn new behaviors observing and copying their owners. During the seminar Claudia describes how to teach dogs the “imitation rule” and how to progress through the training protocol. Dogs will first be taught to imitate a small set of familiar actions (actions already trained with traditional techniques) and will then generalize this rule. At the end of the training protocol, the owners will be able to teach new behaviors to their dogs, simply showing them what to do. These new actions will be then put under verbal cue. The cognitive abilities implied in social learning and in this training method are also described.

We think that there is a good chance that Claudia Fugazza’s Do As I Do training method based on social learning may join the ranks of those that will open the eyes of trainers to a new, effective and fun way of training dogs. You all know that there are a number of methods of training a dog new behaviors based on both classical and operant conditioning. What you may not know is that recent research shows that dogs can also learn by observing and imitation, a process called social learning. Puppies who are able to observe older dogs doing detection work, for example, pick up those skills quicker than those who were not exposed to that activity. And what is most interesting is that dogs, because of the domestication process and the many ways in which they are dependent upon humans, also are careful observers of their human companions and can learn by watching them. Claudia’s breakthrough is to use a verbal cue – «Do It» – along with modeling the desired behavior for the dog, for example picking up a toy and dropping it in a basket to show the dog what to do. Starting with behaviors the dog already knows, the «Do It» cue eventually is generalized to new behaviors so that the dog learns that «Do It» means Do As I Do.

Of course it will be you trainers and dog enthusiasts who will be the ultimate judges of this new method. We think that Claudia’s work will not only help you train new behaviors, but because you are interacting with your dog in a new way, many of you will find it both fun and a way to keep your training fresh and exciting for your dogs. At this time, Claudia’s work is only available in DVD form based on a two day seminar that she recently held in Boise, Idaho. The DVD is over eight hours long and covers both the the oretical basis of social learning and how the Do As I Do method is done in practice.

This is the first training method based on dog’s social cognitive abilities.

Claudia Fugazza is a PhD student in Ethology at Eötvös Lorand University (Budapest), conducting her research on social learning and imitation in dogs with Prof. A. Miklosi. She received her B.Sc. on Dog Breeding and Education (TACREC), a Master in Ethology of Companion Animals and a Master in Dog Training at the University of Pisa (Italy). Claudia developed a training method called Do as I Do (named after Hayes & Hayes 1952 and Topal et al. 2006) which relies on dog’s social cognitive skills and she is currently using this method both for applied dog training purposes and as preliminary training to scientifically study dogs’ imitative abilities

Denne fant jeg så spennende at jeg måtte bare kjøpe den. Har bare fått sett litt ennå, og sitter igjen med litt spørsmål.

Aloff- Connecting With Your dog

Are you connected with your dog?
Getting connected with your dog is the key to building a relationship in which learning can flourish and the needs of both the dog and the owner are met. Relationships are built on communication, so having a common language that both sides can understand is of paramount importance. Luckily, dogs are masters of body language and you can learn to utilize movement and other kinds of body language to help build an effective communications loop with your dog.

Once you know how to communicate with your dog, that knowledge – combined with positive training techniques – can make you a much more effective trainer. And your dog will become a willing partner, one who trusts you and is willing to work with you to learn behaviors. Over time, your dog will flip the “Magic Switch” and begin to use the thinking part of his brain (the Frontbrain) more often than just the reactive part of his brain (the Hindbrain). And you will have achieved a huge step forward in your ability to train and interact with your canine companions!

Learn how to
• Use subtle body language your dog can understand to direct or redirect your dog’s movements.
• Be consistent and coherent in your interactions with your dogs.
• Mark and reinforce behaviors you want to encourage.
• Use exercises shown in the accompanying DVD to build you skill and confidence as a trainer.

Author Brenda Aloff is a professional dog trainer specializing in problem behavior. Brenda teaches puppy socialization, fundamentals of com¬petition obedience, conformation, tracking, musical freestyle, and agility classes at Heaven On Arf Behavior and Training center in Midland, Michigan where she lives. She is a member of The Asso¬ciation of Pet Dog Trainers, The National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors, and The International Association of Dog Behavior Counselors. Brenda travels all over the United States giving talks on canine aggression and learning theory. She is the author of Aggression in Dogs; Practical Management, Prevention & Behavior Modification, Canine Body Language; A Photographic Guide, and Positive Reinforcement; Training Dogs in the Real World.

Use exercises shown in the accompanying DVD to build your skill and confidence as a trainer.

NOTE: The DVD is located inside the back cover of the book.

What reviewers are saying…

“5.0 out of 5 stars *A comprehensive, detailed, practical, experienced based, and thoroughly ‘user friendly’ manual from beginning to end*

For the past 12,000 years of human history, domesticated dogs have been man’s constant companion, helper, and occasional food source. Dogs come in an immensely diverse profusion of breeds, sizes, and dispositions. A professional dog trainer specializing in canine problem behavior, Brenda Aloff has produced «Get Connected With Your Dog: Emphasizing The Relationship While Training Your Dog» a book/dvd combination training manual that will teach dog owners how to use the subtle language of the body to direct (or redirect) their dog’s movements; how to be both consistent and coherent in their interactions with their dogs; and how to identify, mark, reinforce those behaviors to be encouraged from those behaviors to be extinguished. The accompanying 90-minute DVD provides exercises and illustrative examples for building skill and confidence as a trainer. Enhanced with 286 black-and-white photos and an extensive \index, «Get Connected With Your Dog» is an ideal, step-by-step training manual for first-time dog owners as well as aspiring and aspiring dog trainers. A comprehensive, detailed, practical, experienced based, and thoroughly ‘user friendly’ manual from beginning to end, «Get Connected With Your Dog» is an especially recommended addition to personal, professional, veterinary school, and community library reference collections and supplemental reading lists.” James A. Cox

“Brenda Aloff brings you new ways to train your dog and to improve you understanding of how your dog perceives the communications you give to him. This is done by providing you with a series of exercises based on positive reinforcement training and a new set of protocols based on developing any relationship. This method of training has already helped numerous dogs and owners to have fun together and live in harmony. Once you know how to communicate with your dog, you can become a much more effective trainer. And you dog will become a more willing partner, one who trusts you and is willing to work with you to learn behaviors. Over time, your dog will learn to flip the ‘magic-switch’ and use the thinking part of his brain (the front brain) more often than the reactive part of his brain (the hindbrain). And you will have achieved a huge step forward in your ability to train and interact with your canine companion. This book includes a DVD with exercises to help build your confidence as a trainer.” Editor

“There was a time when training a dog required forcing them to your will with no regard for the psychological implications on the dog. We’ve come a long way and today most trainers are much more in tune with building a relationship with your dog. Brenda Aloff had been working with dogs most of her life. She has published two previous books on training and produced accompanying DVD’s. Throughout her long career, Aloff has been fascinated by dog behavior. Her studies of dog body language and their social interaction helped develop her approach to effective communication with dogs and how to modify their behavior. In this incredibly detailed book, Aloff takes you through a step-by-step explanation of how to connect with your dog and guide him to the behavior you would like to see. Showing the same patience she uses with her canine students, she builds upon each lesson to help you understand not just the how the training, but also the why of it. As she explains how to work with your dog, Aloff tells what you should be doing and also what signals you should be seeing from your dog and to respond to those signals. With positive reinforcement and patience, these lessons will become easier for both of you. Throughout this book, black and white photographs illustrate the lessons being discussed and a DVD is also included with the book… There is so much information here that it is likely to become a handy reference book to return to again and again.” Terry Peters

Foss- The ultimate Golden retriever

Må jo lese meg opp:)

Palm-Valpen flytter hjemmefra

Når du har bestemt deg for at du ønsker å dele livet ditt med en hund er det mye å tenke på og enda mer å lære, for at livet deres sammen skal bli godt og harmonisk. Utgangspunktet i denne boken er at valpen flytter fra oppdretter og til nytt hjem, men mye vil være aktuelt uansett hundens alder. Du vil finne informasjon om viktige emner, som er nyttige å vite en del om når du skal oppdra og leve med hunden din. Alt fra vanlig stell og klipping av klør, stress og rotrening, til miljøtrening og fryktperioder. Noe har du kanskje hørt om før og andre emner er nye.
Enkel og grei bok- dog er jeg ikke enig i alt. Men veldig fin bok som de fleste valpekjøpere burde lese

Laurtizen- Viljestyrke

Dag Otto Lauritzen vet mer enn de fleste om hva viljestyrke er. Han var en dyktig politimann og fallskjermjeger i militæret da han ble utsatt for en alvorlig ulykke. Fire år senere blir han den første norske sykkelrytter som vinner en etappe i Tour de France. Vi har alle en barriere vi kunne tenke oss å bryte, eller et mål vi gjerne vil nå. I privatlivet, i jobben eller i fritiden. Det er snakk om å få ut det potensialet hver og en har og prestere enda bedre enn det man kanskje tror er mulig i utgangspunktet. Vi trenger motivasjon og mot for å ta det første skrittet og kaste oss uti det, og viljestyrke for å gjennomføre og virkelig nå de målene vi setter oss; kanskje til og med se en drøm gå i oppfyllelse. Det må både fysisk og mental trening til. Og vi må være forberedt på å forsake noe, og på å takle nedturer som kan komme. Det er det denne boka handler om.

Denne boka gleder jeg meg til:)

Ha en god lese sommer du også:)

Comments on: "Bøker jeg har lest i det siste" (3)

  1. Takk for boktips, noe å tenke på utover vinteren. Nå i sommer leser jeg lette bøker og, som deg, om igjen bøker jeg har lest før. Isfolket har jeg lest mere enn tre ganger, synes de er like fine enda jeg. Ikke lest dem i sommer, nå har det gått i serien Jordens Barn av Jean M. Auel. Fantastiske bøker med så mange detaljer at de er verd å lese mer enn en gang.

  2. Mye bra tips her. Jeg har fått skikkelig dilla på krim om dagen, nå leser jeg bøker av Jørn Lier Holst, de er veldig gode.

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Zebra med prikker


Just follow your instincts


Zebra med prikker